Protecting children in times of armed conflict in Islamic law and international humanitarian law


  • Hussain Zubair THalj Al- Fahdawi

    الجامعة العراقية كلية العلوم الاسلامية


Islamic Sharia prohibited the participation of children under the age of puberty in war and the killing of children in war, which is the same matter stipulated by international laws and ordered not to differentiate between children and their families as stated in the Prophet’s Sunnah, which is what it called for.

It is also subject to international laws. Islamic Sharia had the honor of taking precedence in legislation and the honor of application in the actual field. Therefore, we hardly find violations of children's rights during armed conflicts in the prosperous peaceful era.


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How to Cite

أ.م.د حسين زبير ثلج الفهداوي. (2022). Protecting children in times of armed conflict in Islamic law and international humanitarian law. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from



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