Monotheism in Surat "Al-Ikhlas"

Doctrinal study


  • Dr. Abdullah Hanfsh Hamad Al-Shihawi

    Anbar University


Surah "Al-Ikhlaas" (sincerity) is four verses, but they are very brief and miraculous, and few words have great meanings. They summarized and outlined the principles of doctrine and monotheism that is the spirit or Islam and the pillar of this religion. The aim of the study was to explain this surah and clarify its significance for monotheism by relying on the books of belief and interpretation approved by Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah. It is like the foundation upon which the structure rests, thus affirming pure monotheism in its highest form and denying Allah all kinds of polytheism

 It contains an introduction and two topics:

first: introducing to the surah,

2- the reason for descending the surah and its names

3- virtues of Surah,

4- the interpretation of the surah and its significance for monotheism,

5- definition and evidence of standardization,

6- topic of the surah and its interpretation. Then the conclusion and results.


Al-Ikhlaas, doctrine, monotheism, interpretation, principles


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How to Cite

الشيحاوي د. ح. ح. (2022). Monotheism in Surat "Al-Ikhlas": Doctrinal study. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from