Scientific answers to those who oppose the beginning of the Jame Aljawamie book at the Usul al-Fiqh in the verb phrase


  • Muhammad Ali Asoud Jeraisy

    جامعة الفلوجة
  • Prof. Dr. Saleh Mohammed Saleh Al Nuaimi

    University Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences


Taj al-Din al-Subki -may Allah have mercy on him- wrote a summary at Usul al-Fiqh, collecting a summary of his explanations and what he had memorized of this science, So he put it in a book called “Jame Aljawamie at Usul al-Fiqh” and its virtue was well-known among scholars, So they worked with it as a teaching, memorization, explanation, and organization, Shams Al-Din Al-Eizari, may Allah have mercy on him, set out for objection and discussion. Raised scientific research in various fields (Fiqh, theology, logic, and linguistics), And every knowledge of these were present, The first of these was the science of rhetoric, the occasion, and the rules of reply and answer, Observe humility to the truth and display morals..

The truth of this research lies in the fact that it is taking a side of rhetoric, It shows the relationship between the preamble opening of a phrase (verb or noun) And the relationship of that to success in completing the blessing of authorship..

The objection was made to Imam Taj al-Din al-Subki - may Allah have mercy on him - in opening the preamble with a verb phrase, not the noun phrase, Therefore, according to the opinion of the objector, it is necessary for him to Leave the many preponderances that characterize the noun phrase, Specially since the Holy Qur’an has mentioned praise in the noun phrase, which indicates permanence and permanence, and that verb phrase indicates the occurrence and renewal, But this indication of the two sentences is not based on its launch, Each of them may be subject to probabilities, presumptions, and conditions, What makes each sentence perform a purpose that is more than its original meaning, And he makes the verb phrase in these cases more appropriate and more appropriate to the meaning of stability and continuity than the noun phrase, In addition to a note, the blessing of authorship is renewed after it was not, It fits with the verb phrase coming that indicates renewal and occurrence


(revenues - Al-Aizari - answers - Al-Iftah - the actual wholesale)


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How to Cite

الجريصي م. ع. ا., & أ.د صالح محمد صالح النعيمي. (2022). Scientific answers to those who oppose the beginning of the Jame Aljawamie book at the Usul al-Fiqh in the verb phrase. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(1), 22–46. Retrieved from



scientific research