
  • Prof. Muhammad Najeeb Al-Jouani Al-jouani


    Fallujah University - Faculty of Islamic Sciences


The research deals with the most important jurisprudential issues related to winds in the book of Purity. In introduction: I showed the reason for my choice of the topic and my methodology in it

there are four sections: I showed in the first topic: Defining wind as a language and a term, and the difference between them and the wind... and that most of use the word “winds” (plural) in Qur'an is for mercy, and most of the word “wind” (singular) is for torture.

I showed in the second topic: that the pure water if some leaves, hay or weeds fall into it due to the wind, it remains pure as long as its delicacy has not disappeared.. and that if the water reaches two jars and is changed with impurity, then it is no longer pure if it is changed by the winds.... and that the wind has an effect on continuation in ablution.

I showed in the third topic: it is disliked to urinate or defecate in the wind, and the validity of tayammum for whom his ablution is broken if he intended dirt when the wind blew, evoking the intention of tayammum before throwing it in his hands until the time of his throwing them and then wiping tayammum.

Finally, I showed in the fourth topic... the purity of the suburban land that is unclean if its impurity has dried up by the action of the sun or the wind and the trace of the impurity has disappeared, and the prayer is valid for it without performing tayammum. Then I concluded with the most important results... and our last prayer is praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.


الأحكام الفقهية، الصلاة، الطهارة، التيمم، الرياح


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How to Cite

الجوعاني أ. م. د. م. ن. (2022). JURISPRUDENTIAL RULINGS RELATED TO WINDS IN PURITY BOOK: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://islamic-uofallujah.foxytech.net/index.php/new/article/view/26