"Kan" (Verb To Be) In "Al-Fawaied Al Mahdaweia Fi Sharh Al-Muqaddima Al-Ajurrumiyya"Book by Al-Shaikh Mohammad Al-Mahdawi (Died 1026 A.H),Study and Verification.


  • Ansam Diab Ahmed Abdul-Jabbar


    University of Anbar/ The College of Education for
  • Pr.Dr. Mohammed Jassim Abd


    University of Anbar/ The College of Education for


This research study one of the explanations of  Al heritage Ajurumiya that has not yet been investigated, so it was required that we investigate this heritage manuscript, study it with accuracy  and explain of its merits. This book is the first book to be investigated for the author, as its author is unknown, so we resorted to introducing him and extrapolating his approach and method of authorship and presentation of the content he dealt with , so that it is easier for students and researchers to know his method of presenting the content, hoping that the book we are dealing with will be a reference to benefit from. we also studied the book and explain every comment and statement in it and brought it back to its origin, it were our method is easy and clear in the field of study, based on the verses of the Holy Quran, Arab poetry, and sources of the previous researchers, and then the conclusion in which we count the results that have been reached.


Grammar, Al-Fawaied Al-Mahdaweia, Al-Mahdawi, "kan" to be


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How to Cite

العاني أ. ذ. أ., & أ. د محمد جاسم عبد. (2022). "Kan" (Verb To Be) In "Al-Fawaied Al Mahdaweia Fi Sharh Al-Muqaddima Al-Ajurrumiyya"Book by Al-Shaikh Mohammad Al-Mahdawi (Died 1026 A.H),Study and Verification. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(1), 214–243. Retrieved from https://islamic-uofallujah.foxytech.net/index.php/new/article/view/273



scientific research