The Logical And Suppositive Regents Ac-cording To Al-Sarhandi In His Book "Al-Safiya Fi Tawdih Al-Kafiya"


  • سلوى حمود محمد العبدلي

    جامعة الفلوجة
  • Prof. Dr.abdul Razzaq Ali Hussein

    University of Fallujah/College of Islamic Sciences


Praise be to Allah، and prayers and peace be upon the Messenger. It is not hidden from the students the interest of the grammarians in the moral and assessing factors، and the reason for this interest lies in the fact that the logical regents is not subject to a verbal context، and it is not hidden also the importance of the explanations that dealt with the book of "Kafiya of Ibn al-Hajeb،" among which is the book of al-Safiya which It is distinguished by the abundance of its grammatical material، in addition to the large number of verbal regents contained in it. In this research، I dealt with the verbal regents in the book (Al-Safiya in clarification and interpretation Al-Kafiya)، and I dedicated it in one chapter، which is the chapter on logical regents and the evaluation of regents, so the research was marked by (The Logical And Suppositive Regents According To Al-Sarhandi In His Book "Al-Safiya Fi Tawdih Al-Kafiya")،The nature of the research required that the opening of the introduction followed by a summary of the logical regents and their divisions when grammarians، then divided the subject of research on two sections، dealt with in the first section moral factors when Al-Sarhindi، and dealt with in the second section estimate regents، then folded the research with a conclusion to the most prominent results، followed by a list of references. I extend my sincere thanks to my professor، Dr. Abdul Razzaq Ali Hussein، and I also thank everyone who extended a helping hand to me، and Allah Who is the owner of success.


factor، moral، lift، estimate، deletion


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How to Cite

العبدلي س. ح. م., & أ.د. عبدالرزاق علي حسين. (2023). The Logical And Suppositive Regents Ac-cording To Al-Sarhandi In His Book "Al-Safiya Fi Tawdih Al-Kafiya". Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1–22. Retrieved from



scientific research