The Opinions Of The Modernists Re-garding Hadith Narrators Among The Com-panions, Anas bin Malik is a model.


  • Abdalaziz Faisal Haqi

    Ministry of Education - Cape Town Education, Rania District
  • Prof.Dr.Sulaiman salim Ibrahim


    Department of Religious Education, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


The great companion Anas bin Malik is one of the narrators at whom the modernists - with their various schools - directed their arrows, belittled his status, and raised doubts and suspicions about his narrations, because some of his narrations were not consistent with their thinking and minds, especially some of his narrations related to some characteristics of the Prophet, peace be upon him, such as his narration. On his wives, and they believe that the hadith that mentions the circumambulation of the Messenger of Allah- on his wives in one night: a weak hadith that cannot be used as evidence: because it contradicts reason and the observed reality. Without referring to the rules and foundations through which a hadith is judged as valid or weak, especially hadiths that they see as contradicting reason, and not suitable for adherence to in this era.


عربي, Keywords: plague, modernists, companions, Anas bin Malik.


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How to Cite

م. عبد العزيز فيصل حقي, & أ.د. سليمان سليم إبراهيم. (2024). The Opinions Of The Modernists Re-garding Hadith Narrators Among The Com-panions, Anas bin Malik is a model. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 63–108. Retrieved from