The Jurisprudential Issues with Two Opin-ions in the Shafi'i School in the Book "Al-Bayan" by Al-‘Amrani (d. 558 AH): The Rul-ings on Marriage of the Prohibited, Testimony, and Inheritance in Hunting in the Sacred Area :A Comparative Study


  • Rawa Ghazi Muhammad

    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences
  • Asst.Prof.Dr. Kareem Zahlef Jazaa

    University of Fallujah - College of Islamic Sciences


This research aims to study the issues related to women's direct involvement according to the Shafi'i school, while reviewing the opinions of jurists from other schools and determining the most valid among them, after gathering evidence and presenting various views. Given the numerous opinions within our Imam Al-Shafi'i’s school, it has become essential to have multiple perspectives based on differing viewpoints regarding the evidence in each issue. One of the pioneering books that addressed this matter is "Al-Bayan" by Imam Al-‘Amrani. I have been guided to an important topic that addresses contemporary issues, thanks to Allah, and I have chosen it to be the subject of my research. This study will be a comparative jurisprudential analysis with other schools, thus opening a door for contemporary scholars to keep pace with modern issues in order to arrive at appropriate rulings that align with current developments. The diversity of opinions and the multitude of perspectives reflect an expansion of the horizons of ijtihad and contribute to the rich jurisprudential heritage of the Islamic legal school.


Issue, Opinion, Shafi'i, Al-Bayan, Al Amrani, Marriage, Prohibited, Inheritance, Hunting

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How to Cite

رواء غازي محمد, & ا.م.د. كريم زحلف جزاع. (2025). The Jurisprudential Issues with Two Opin-ions in the Shafi’i School in the Book "Al-Bayan" by Al-‘Amrani (d. 558 AH): The Rul-ings on Marriage of the Prohibited, Testimony, and Inheritance in Hunting in the Sacred Area :A Comparative Study. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(2), 198–222. Retrieved from