The Semantic Implications of Binary Oppo-sition in Al-Imta' wa Al-Mu'anasah by Abu Hayyan Al-Tawhidi


  • Shahbaa Ahmed Jiyad Al-Dulaimi

    University of Fallujah/College of Islamic Sciences
  • Prof. Adi Khalid Mahmoud Al-Badrani

    University of Fallujah - College of Education - Department of Arabic Li-ter


This study examines binary opposition in Al-Imta' wa Al-Mu'anasah, where opposing terms convey contrasting meanings. Abu Hayyan Al-Tawhidi uses these oppositions to create relational meanings, engaging the reader and guiding interpretations. His distinctive style blends words to achieve thematic and rhetorical goals, particularly in dialogues with the minister. The study is divided into two sections: sensory meanings, focusing on tangible oppositions, and intellectual meanings, addressing abstract contrasts. The conclusion summarizes the findings and includes a bibliography.


Binary Opposition, Abu Hayyan Al-Tawhidi, Al-Imta' wa Al-Mu'anasah, Sensory Meanings, Intellectual Meanings


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How to Cite

شهباء احمد جياد الدليمي, & أ. د. عدي خالد محمود البدراني. (2024). The Semantic Implications of Binary Oppo-sition in Al-Imta’ wa Al-Mu’anasah by Abu Hayyan Al-Tawhidi. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(1), 319–340. Retrieved from