ns for altruism in the Qur’anic expression in the book Hujjat al-Qira’at


  • Fatima Jassim Mohammed


    University of Fallujah/College of Islamic Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Suleiman Aliwi


    University of Fallujah/College of Islamic Sciences


This study explores the concept of altruism in the Quran, as discussed in "Hujjat al-Qira'at" by Abu Zar'ah, and examines scholars' views on the topic. Altruism in Islam means prioritizing others over oneself, as reflected in the verse: "And they prefer others over themselves, even if they are in need." The research emphasizes that Quranic expressions are divinely precise, and altering words is not permissible.


Reasons for altruism, Quranic expression, argument of readings


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How to Cite

فاطمة جاسم محمد, & أ.د. محمود سليمان عليوي. (2024). ns for altruism in the Qur’anic expression in the book Hujjat al-Qira’at. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(2), 44–60. Retrieved from https://islamic-uofallujah.foxytech.net/index.php/new/article/view/604