The Concept of Peaceful Coexistence and Its Foundations in Islamic Thought - An Objec-tive Study"


  • Assist. Prof.Dr. Ali Ghnayan Mohammed

    University of Fallujah/College of Islamic Sciences


This research explores the principles of peaceful coexistence in Islamic thought, highlighting its role in cultural development and the adoption of moderate Islamic principles in line with Shariah. It stresses the importance of peaceful coexistence in achieving social peace, both within Muslim communities and with others. The study will cover the concept, importance, and foundations of peaceful coexistence in Islam, concluding with key findings and recommendations for its application in modern times.


Peaceful Coexistence, Foundations, Islamic Thought, Principles, Social Harmony


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How to Cite

أ.م.د. علي اغنيان محمد. (2024). The Concept of Peaceful Coexistence and Its Foundations in Islamic Thought - An Objec-tive Study". Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(2), 258–277. Retrieved from