Reading of Old People to poetic text 'The book of The Balance as an example


  • ايهاب مجيد محمود جراد

    جامعة الانبار


This research is working on the ancient reading of poetic text in the budget book for Al-Amidi because it has great importance among critic books.  This research has monitored the most important rhetorical and critical readings about the evidence that was chosen, because the opinions of the ancient people were different. Due to their departure from the prevailing custom and this is why most of them counted the defects of poetry. Some of them went on to say that this exit may reach corruption in the language.

     However, we see that many of these readings reap against Abu Tammam, due to the movement of the struggle between the old and the new that appeared in that era.

     The researcher proves that this exit and the frequent use of Al-Badi' is not considered a defect for the poet, and this is clear in the difference in reading the verse from one critic to another, and in many cases the refusal of the verse is due to the lack of a course of the old.

      Those critics who reproach Abu Tammam for his verses do not want to acknowledge his genius, or they did not understand the poetic mentality of the era that it differs from its predecessor. So if the poet is not innovative again, what is its value? The reason for the multiplicity of these readings is also due to the departure of Abu Tammam from the ordinary. So these readings abound and for this we do not find such readings about Al-Bahtari’s poetry, because it is (syntactic poetry, imprinted, and on the doctrine of the early ones).that means there is onthing new in his poetry like the ancients in everything.


النقد القديم – الموازنة – النص الشعري


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How to Cite

جراد ا. م. م. (2022). Reading of Old People to poetic text ’The book of The Balance as an example. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 1(1), 306–335. Retrieved from



scientific research