Provisions Of Friday، Eid And Funerals Prayers For Expatriates


  • أ.م.د. ظاهر فيصل بديوي

    جامعة الانبار / مركز الدراسات الاستراتيجية


Allah Almighty has made the law of Islam valid for every time and place and seeks to ensure the best life for human beings. Human life with naturally accept developing and change، so the provisions of the Sharia with their flexibility to keep up with this change. Muslim is commanded to perform the rituals of Allah Almighty. He may move from one place to another and from a Muslim country to a non-Muslim country، so he desires to practice the rituals of his religion that Allah has distinguished him with. For the reason that the expatriate Muslim does not differ in its rulings from the non-immigrant Muslim who resides in his country in that it is obligatory to display the rituals of religion outwardly so long as it is not hidden from himself، his money، his honor and his religion.


Provisions. Friday. prayers. funerals. expatriates


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How to Cite

أ.م.د. ظاهر فيصل بديوي. (2022). Provisions Of Friday، Eid And Funerals Prayers For Expatriates. Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences, 2(1), 27–63. Retrieved from



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