
المخدرات وآثارها السلبية


نظرا لما يواجهه مجتمعنا من خطر المخدرات ارتأت مجلتنا (الباحث للعلوم الاسلامية) أن ترصد الأبحاث العلمية الإنسانية في هذا المجال بعدد خاص ينشر تحت عنوان: (المخدرات وآثارها السلبية) لذا نهيب بالاخوة الباحثين إرسال بحوثهم العلمية بأسرع وقت ، علما أن أجور البحوث ستكون مخفضة ومدعومة بنسبة (50%) من الأجور الرسمية. مع التقدير

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Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): The second volume, the first issue for the year 2024
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): The second volume, the first issue for the year 2024
Published: 2025-01-01

scientific research

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A semi-annual refereed scientific journal, issued by the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Fallujah. It publishes scientific research in the fields of Islamic sciences and the Arabic language in all its different disciplines, in both Arabic and English, from researchers inside and outside the university, which have not been previously published. The materials published in the journal express the opinions of its authors. And their output only, and the journal does not publish anything that contradicts the university’s philosophy and authentic Islamic values, nor does it publish research that does not have the correct scientific research methodology, and it is published after the research has been scientifically evaluated by accredited experts who are recognized for their scientific competence in the fields of their precise specializations. .

The magazine also deals with sober research and objective scientific analysis of the most important phenomena that fall under the umbrella of Islamic sciences. It seeks to be one of the signs of intellectual and scientific openness in the Islamic, Arab and local scientific scene alike. The magazine has taken upon itself the task of transcending the traditional boundaries of the concerns of Islamic sciences from related sciences such as sociology, psychology, philosophy, legal politics and others.

The journal presents all its research to the public through its website, adding it to the indexes of most university search engines, with the aim of contributing to the enrichment of scientific research topics.

Fields of work for the journal: Scientific and academic research related to the sciences of Islamic law and the Arabic language in all its arts.

Intellectual rights: Every research published in the journal is owned by the journal, and no other party may re-publish the research or publish a translation of it in a book, newspaper or periodical without the written consent of the editor-in-chief.

Supporting bodies: self-financing

History of the magazine: The magazine was created by virtue of the ministerial order No. (Bat 4/5401) on October 26, 2020, the university order No. (2806) on 11-4-2020, and the administrative order No. (985) on 11-10- 2020.

Privacy Statement: The magazine's management undertakes that the names of people and e-mail addresses saved on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes stipulated by the magazine, and will not be available for any other purposes or any third party.

The journal is bound to: any of the LOCKSS or CLOCKSS backup systems.